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Effective Business Writing

  • 4 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Effective Business Writing Business writing is one of the most used and least proficient skills most people use. What you write is often the only communication and chance you have to influence, provide information and entice people to become your clients. Learn how to write effectively across a wide range of platforms as well as protecting your business from psychosocial injuries. In this module you'll learn: - How our brains process what we see and if we'll keep reading - where your dopamine flows your attention goes - Structure and writing etiquette across various platforms - The forgetting curve - Different audiences, cultural and psychosocial implications, along with changes in the way we communicate - throw in an emoji or two! - Legal and HR matters There is a quiz at the end of the module to confirm you have completed the module and understand the concepts presented with an 80% pass mark. This module is suitable for all levelled training streams with the hours being credited to your next level. At the end of the module, you will receive a certificate, if you would like the micro-credential issued a simple email to alert us will trigger that to happen. ADAPTS training showcases your disability sector expertise at a glance.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $99.00/month


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